Chinese Algae Eater Full Size
Be careful as adults they switch from a mainly algae diet to being more carnivorous and if not provided meaty foods will attach to fish and eat their slimecoats. Hello EveryoneWe wanted to talk a little about the Chinese algae eater.
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The Chinese algae eater is recorded to reach at least 11 inches a size that varies depending on the environment.

Chinese algae eater full size. It shares a 25 gallon tall tank with 6 mixed tetras and a dragon goby. The minimum tank size that is recommended for Chinese algae eaters is a 30 gallon but the tank housing this fish should be larger. I hope you found this video helpful.
It is usually kept in aquariums for the purpose of keeping algae under control. Chinese Algae Eater Size. This slender fish has a silver underbelly and has a subtle patterned horizontal line that runs along the side of its bright yellowgold back.
As with any other fish tank size affects the growth of your fish. Golden Chinese Algae Eaters can reach upwards of 10 when fully grown and can swim very quickly in short burst thus they should be housed in aquariums of. They can sometimes grow to be as small as 6 inches in captivity if they are kept in the recommended tank size.
A tank of 52 gallons is. It can range up to 11 in 28 cm in length and has a reputation for becoming increasingly territorial as it matures and can also be aggressive to other fish especially slow flat-bodied species. Order today with free shipping.
Fill Your Cart With Color Today. It can be a good fish in the right set-up. That is normal for a chinese algae eater.
The Chinese Algae Eater comes from Asia and has a slender body and is golden to brown in color. A minimum of a 30-gallon aquarium is recommended with plenty of plants rocks and driftwood for hiding. And like jonathur stated this fish dont really eat algae when mature and can also turn quite aggressive.
In the home aquarium the Chinese algae eater generally makes a poor tank mate. Get the Deals now. However to get one to reach its full length of 6 inches it has to be well cared for and in an aquarium large enough to support its swimming needs.
A darker stripe runs horizontally and is either solid or broken into spots. Chinese Algae Eaters can reach upwards of 10 when fully grown and can swim very quickly in short burst thus they should be housed in aquariums of 30 gallons or more to give them the room they need. Chinese algae eater lifespan.
The Gold Algae Eater originates from Northern India and can grow up to 12. Although some home aquarists are able to increase their fishs size to this extent it is not common. Ad Check Out Algae Eaters On eBay.
You will have to have a sufficient size of the tank a minimum of 50 gallons for each fish to ensure that the fish is not stressed out. It can be very boisterous and when improperly fed has been known to attack. It is generally recommended to have at least a 30-gallon tank and 36 inches of vertical aquarium length to fully let the Siamese algae eaters stretch out.
When fully grown the average Chinese Algae Eater can grow to around 10 or 11 inches. The Chinese algae eater is sometimes kept in aquaria to control algae. An aquarium of at least 30 gallons with plenty of plants rocks and driftwood for hiding is recommended for the Gold Algae Eater.
They get up to 11 inches in size and will likely turn completely grayish in color as an adult. If you put a big fish in a small tank its growth can be stunted. As always buyer beware if its much more than 2 inches long its not an otocinclus and needs to relocate if you value your fish.
Ad Enjoy Discounts Hottest Sales On Chinese Algae Eater. Though it can adjust to various aquarium conditions water. Feel free to share your experiences with.
Feel free to share any comments questions or input in the comment section below OR on any of the following Social Media. I have had an algae eater for almost 5 years and its now about 45 inches long. It will generally take an average of between 9 months and a year and a half to raise a Chinese Algae Eater to maturity.
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