Chinese Algae Eater Always Hiding
The black stripe is much more ragged on a CAE and only looks similar to a completely untrained eye. A young algae eater may be fine in a minimum tank size of 30 gallons but as they grow they will need a bigger tank.
Chinese Algae Eater Care Guide Size Lifespan Tank Mates
One reason Chinese algae eaters become slime suckers is hunger.

Chinese algae eater always hiding. If a cave is not available for them to hide in they will attempt to make one themselves by digging under large rocks or against the walls of the aquarium. Hello EveryoneWe wanted to talk a little about the Chinese algae eater. Maybe once they have lived on protective slime coats for a while they become addicted even though the practice seems revolting.
They are also sometimes called as Honey Suckers and Sucking Loache. If this is something that concerns you keep the water temperature at the cooler end of the acceptable range around 75 or 76 degrees. Its also tough to identify the sex of a Chinese algae eater especially when theyre young so you dont always have a choice in what sex youre adding to the tank.
My opinions are my own and are simply opinions. Theyve always been great eaters and active but it just seems like theyre hiding in the cave and wont come out ever. Chinese Algae Eaters must be kept in at least a 30 gallon aquarium.
The Chinese Algae Eater Gyrinocheilus aymonieri was first described by Tirant in 1883. They are nocturnal and often hiding when the other fish are being fed. Theyve been in there for a long time now and were lucky if we see them at all.
Mature CAE do not eat algae so they must be. Contrary to what their name would have you believe they are not a common species in China but are found in freshwater bodies of Vietnam Laos and Thailand. Feel free to share your experiences with.
They will need sinking food so they can find the food. The tank had been fully cycled when they were put in and at first they seemed to be doing just fine. Chinese Algae Eaters A Complete Guide Care Diet.
It can be a good fish in the right set-up. While they are. Chinese Algae Eater Gyrinocheilus aymonieri is a pale brown color freshwater fish.
The smallest of the 3 went MIA after about a month or so hard to say when exactly since they were always in hiding when I would do my nightly fish count. Chinese algae eaters need more to eat than just the algae in your aquarium. Anyway I wanted an algae-eater of some kind from Asia and I saw a Golden Chinese Algae -Eater on sale for 199.
The two would play with each other back and forth and my betta didnt mind the company in fact it almost looked as if he would play with them as well. This is not to say a fish store wont confuse them. A good way to give these fish flake food is to put a good sized.
We didnt know where they were until I was doing a water change and I found them in a large cave decor hiding. A few weeks ago one of my algae eaters started changing. 10 black ghost knife wasnt eating anyone.
Chinese algae eaters need to be fed just like your other fish. Chinese Algae Eaters are large fish growing to lengths of 11 inches 28 cm in the wild though captive specimens are usually much smaller. Some people believe that these fish are more likely to mate in water temperatures of 80.
I wanted to share my experience with this awesome fish so far. Ive got 4 guppies 1 opaline gourami 1 chinese algae eater and 2 cory cats. They deal in a large amount of fish and many of the workers arent fully trained to identify these similar-looking species.
It was named after the French linguist and explorer Étienne François AymonierChinese Algae Eater was first exported to Germany in 1956 for the aquarium trade prior to that they were used as a food fish in the native countries. Both Siamese and Chinese algae eaters can grow to maximum size of approximately 8 inches and both are most. Chinese Algae Eater esp.
Though in the wild they feed exclusively on algae in the aquarium there is some controversy on the effectiveness of the algae eater. One of my CAE is now quite large and the other is still smallish bigger than. Chinese algae eaters are very active fish and will need a tank size to reflect this.
As a result you need to follow the rule of one inch of fish per gallon of water but keep in mind. When they are young they will need mostly algae wafers supplemented with protein based foods like blood worms and flake food. Adult algae eaters should be in a tank of at least 55 gallons especially if youre going to house them in a group of other algae eaters.
The Chinese algae eaters are less effective in that they are not recommended for community tanks and only consume algae until they reach 6 inches in length. Similar to the Pleco Chinese algae eaters tend to hide in caves when they are not feeding. If your Chinese Algae Eaters are in an aquarium that is overstocked they will become stressed weakening their immune systems causing them to be more prone to diseases and they wont grow to their appropriate size.
The gal suggested I get Chinese Algae Eaters 3 of them to be exact. Thus they resort to slime sucking and effectively killing all of their tankmates. They are mature at about 4 12 inches 12 cm and seldom exceed 5 14 inches 13 cm in the aquarium.
They have an average lifespan of 5 to 10 years in captivity with proper care. I clearly remember my first job in our local Tropical Fish Store and my boss always warned customers Dont put a Chinese Algae Eater in with large slower moving fish like Angelfish or Goldfish The Algae-eater was known. After seeing how a lot of people react to this.
Once this occurs a Chinese algae eater will prowl the tank for additional food sources such as dead fish and regular fish food. As far as Chinese algae eaters CAE go identification mistakes are less often made but they do happen. Origin and Taxonomy of Chinese Algae Eater.
So about 6 months ago I got a couple chinese algae eaters for my 10 gal betta tank. I wanted to make sure my now deceased cry. Not the most beautiful fish the body of the Chinese Algae Eater is plain.
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