Chinese Algae Eater In Planted Tank
A golden variety of these algae eaters is available in many petstores. Best Algae Eaters for a Balanced Freshwater Aquarium.
Siamese Algae Eater Behavior Plantedtank
Be careful as adults they switch from a mainly algae diet to being more carnivorous and if not provided meaty foods will attach to fish and eat their slimecoats.

Chinese algae eater in planted tank. They get up to 11 inches in size and will likely turn completely grayish in color as an adult. Not the most amazing algae eaters but they still provide some benefits that the rest. Heres a brief look at my Chinese Algae Eater CAE in my 55 gallon Freshwater Planted Tank.
Other larger algae eaters like Plecos can be damaging to live plants due to their size and weight. Although many grow only to around 6 inches they can actually reach up to nearly a foot in length. I have a golden algae eater in a tough 220g cichlid tank.
Yep That is normal for a chinese algae eater. I have tried to remove via net but the FISH swim away too fast and then behind and under drift wood. I just put it in another tank whilst I wait to set up the cube and my Algae Eater is all over it is it.
Chinese algae eaters have been around the aquarium trade for a while. For a big sized planted tank 75g two pairs of otocinclus catfish will be a good option as an algae eater. For small-sized planted tanks 10g amano shrimp is probably the best algae eater.
They are excellent for planted aquariums as they can eat algae growing on live plants without damaging the plant itself. Please rate comment and subscribe for more fish videos. It was named after the French linguist and explorer Étienne François AymonierChinese Algae Eater was first exported to Germany in 1956 for the aquarium trade prior to that they were used as a food fish in the native countries.
Algae growth is inevitable in any tank. The best choice of tank shape is a. You may avoid snails because they may eat plants too.
A video on my big fat Chinese algae eater. The CAE are sometimes kept in planted aquariums for controlling algae. I recommend a 30-gallon tank as a minimum for a juvenile although if you want to keep adults or a small group of specimens a 50-gallon aquarium or larger is best.
Now the time had come to clean this aquarium and try to weed. At this time this aquarium was home too 12 blue discus which where about 10 cm and 4 albino Chinese algae-eaters that where about 20 cm. Salvini Green terror texas cichlid gold flake pike cichlid etc.
AquariumYoull also get a look at my Crenicichla Compressi. Although a minute amount of it is not much of a hassle once it starts to bloom rapidly it must be controlled. Other larger algae eaters like Plecos can be damaging to live plants due to their size and weight.
The growth of algae is a common problem in aquariums and fish tanks because they tend to overgrow in a matter of days and can suck all the oxygen out of the tank. With out draining all the water. If you have a fish tank you know how hard it is to get rid of algal buildup in them.
Chinese algea eater Chinese algae eaters make good scavengers in aggressive tanks. I have a 50 gallon planted discuss tank. The aquarium was very heavily planted with lots of C.
These fish can live in temperature of 25-28C 77-82F and need bigger tanks 55-75 gallons as they mature. THere is not a single fish in there he can bully heh. Although Chinese algae eaters can be docile enough to be kept in a community tank when theyre adolescents they become much more.
Dont recall how or why but I have a chinese algae eater who has recently taken a liking to the sides of my Discuss. The Chinese Algae Eater Gyrinocheilus aymonieri was first described by Tirant in 1883. Though they arent necessarily the best algae-eaters available they do offer something that our previously mentioned species dont.
Unfortunately like all tanks a freshwater planted aquarium also means algae bloom. Particularly when you have a hard time putting anything else in that tank. Golden Chinese Algae Eaters are herbivores that primarily eat algae growing on rocks plants driftwood and aquarium glass.
What are the best algae eaters for planted tanks. Demersum since the aquarium had been neglected a little bit too much during the last months. They are excellent for planted aquariums as they can eat algae growing on live plants without damaging the plant itself.
Chinese Algae Eaters spend almost all of their time swimming around the bottom of the tank. Chinese Algae Eaters are herbivores that primarily eat algae growing on rocks plants driftwood and aquarium glass. I just recieved some mail order Moss Balls and Java Moss Balls Im gonna try my hand at a heavily planted Nano Cube unfortunately the substrate which I ordered ages ago is yet to arrive.
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